On May 25, 2018, as part of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, a subcontract for the construction of the Amur Gas Processing Plant was signed between Tecnimont Russia LLC and Renaissance Heavy Industries (RHI).
The amount of the subcontract is about 1.3 billion euros and relates to the reimbursable part of the contract. The scope of work includes general construction works, pipeline laying works, mechanical, electrical, instrumentation and commissioning works, covering the bulk of the construction work from Package 3.
The contract was signed by the Director General of Maire Tecnimont Group Pierroberto Folliero and President of the Renaissance Holding Dr. Erman Ylıjak in the presence of Gazprom CEO Alexei Miller, President of Maire Tecnimont Fabrizio Di Amato and Italian Ambassador to Russia Pasquale Terracciano, as well as other Russian and Italian officials.
The Amur Gas Processing Plant will become the largest gas processing complex of the Gazprom Corporation, as well as one of the largest enterprises of this profile in the world. The design capacity of the plant will be 42 billion cubic meters of gas per year. In addition to natural gas, the gas processing plant will produce ethane, propane, butane, and pentane-hexane fractions. The plant will be an important link in the technological chain of future supplies of natural gas to China through the Power of Siberia gas pipeline.