Attracting investment

External financing
Sooner or later, any company actively working in the market is faced with the need to attract external financing. This process is considered quite natural and you should not think that it necessarily indicates that the company has financial difficulties. Rather, on the contrary, raising funds is an indicator of the development of the company and its good prospects.
Attracting financing - the task of replenishing the financial resource of the company for the implementation of certain projects. Projects can be both long - investment, and short - operational. For investment projects, long-term money is usually attracted - long-term financing; for operational projects usually short-term money. This is the “golden rule” of attracting financing.
«ZARMET» helps attract financing for your business.
Attracting financing - the task of replenishing the financial resource of the company for the implementation of certain projects. Projects can be both long - investment, and short - operational. For investment projects, long-term money is usually attracted - long-term financing; for operational projects usually short-term money. This is the “golden rule” of attracting financing.
«ZARMET» helps attract financing for your business.
The need to attract external financing may arise at any stage of company development. When the company has already created a product and with some success sells it on the market, it still will need additional financing for business development and in most cases it is impossible to manage without attracting external capital.

We make complex deals
100015, Uzbekistan, Tashkent,
38 Oybek str., AVENUE Business center